
Inclusion in digital policy: e-participation and capacity development

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Saved by petecranston
on November 11, 2014 at 2:06:10 pm


Inclusive digital policy depends on e-participation and capacity development. E-participation ensures participation of all those who cannot participate in situ. It is not surprising that e-participation in global governance is most advanced in the field of Internet governance.  The session will discuss the four most relevant experiences in digital policy: the IGF, ICANN, the ITU, and NETmundial. The session will provide concrete input based on the following questions:

  • What  practical techniques are there for making e-participation more effective?
  • How can we ensure proper synchronisation between two dynamics of the event: in situ (in the conference room) and remote (via e-participation)?
  • How do we deal with different time-zones in e-participation?
  • How do we  ensure capacity development for e-participation?


Session Plan




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