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Geneva Internet Conference - Internet Governance at a Crossroads


The Geneva Internet Conference (GIC) will address critical issues, gaps, and future developments in Internet governance (IG) and digital politics. The conference will provide a neutral and inclusive space for debates as it paves the way to 2015, building on the main events and developments in 2014, including announcement of the transition of the IANA oversight of Internet functions, NETmundial and the Internet Governance Forum. 


The conference will make use of the comparative advantages of Geneva as a global hub for IG with the presence of relevant IG-related institutions and organisations, diplomatic missions, civil society, the private sector, think-tanks, and academia.


[UpdateThroughout the conference we will be using Twitter to report on the events and discussion live. Make sure to follow #IGeneva and #theGIP as well as @GenevaGIP to get the full picture. 







Agenda & Session Notes

  Title Moderator Subject specialists & resource people
Day One      
14.30 ‒ 16.00 Same issues, different perspectives: overcoming policy silos in privacy and data protection
Vladimir Radunovic, DiploFoundation and GIP  Brian Trammell, Senior Researcher, Communication Systems Group, ETH Zurich
Nick Ashton-Hart, Executive Director, Internet &Digital Ecosystem Alliance (IDEA) 

Amb. Thomas Hajnoczi, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations, Geneva
Carly Nyst, Legal Director, Privacy International 

1430 - 1600  Inclusion in digital policy: e-participation and capacity development  Pete Cranston, co-director, Euforic Services, Oxford
Chengetai Masango, Programme and Technology Manager, Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum
Ginger Paque, Director of IG Programmes, DiploFoundation
Anders Norsker, Head of Information Services, ITU
Marília Maciel, Researcher and Coordinator, Center for Technology and Society, FGV Brazil
Anne-Rachel Inné, Vice-President, Government Engagement, ICANN

14.30 ‒ 16.00  Legal framework, jurisdiction, and enforcement in Internet governance  Jacques de Werra, Professor, Law School, University of Geneva
Rolf Weber, Professor, University of Zurich
Joe Cannataci, Professor, University of Groningen
Mira Burri, Senior Research Fellow, World Trade Institute & Lecturer, University of Bern
Konstantinos Komaitis, Policy Advisor, Internet Society
Xianhong Hu, Program Specialist, Division for Freedom of Expression and Media Development, UNESCO 



11.00 ‒ 12.30  Aim for full transparency – accept exceptional translucency 

Pete Cranston, co-director, Euforic Services, Oxford

Veronica Cretu, President, Open Government Institute (Moldova)
Nigel Hickson, Vice-President, UN and IGO Engagement, ICANN
Avri Doria, Principal Researcher, Technicalities
Kari Tapiola, Special Adviser to the Director-General, ILO

11.00 ‒ 12.30 Subsidiarity: how to make Internet governance decisions at the appropriate level, building on lessons learnt from Switzerland Thomas Schneider, Deputy Head of International Relations Service, OFCOM

Peter Gruetter, Chairman, Swiss Telecommunications Association
Norbert Bollow, co-founder and co-convenor of the Just Net Coalition
Michel Veuthey, Vice-president of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo

Hanane Boujemi, Manager, IG Programme, MENA Region, HIVOS

11.00 ‒ 12.30 Evidence in Internet governance: measurement and data-mining  Vladimir Radunovic, DiploFoundation and GIP

Aaron Boyd, Chief Strategy Officer, ABI Research
Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, Editor of Global Innovation Index & Senior Economist, WIPO
Eliot Lear, Principal Engineer, CISCO SystemsKavé Salamatian, Professor, University of Savoie, France

14.00 ‒ 15.30 Implementation and compliance in a multistakeholder space  Anne-Marie Buzatu, Deputy Head of Operations IV, DCAF
Andy Orsmond, Executive Director, International Code of Conduct Association
Michel Quillé, Vice-President, International Forum on Technologies and Security 
Michele Woods, Director, Copyright Law Division, WIPO

14.00 ‒ 15.30 Drafting in policy processes: how can we best nurture the socialisation of policy texts in multistakeholder contexts?

Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation and GIP Alex Sceberras Trigona, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of Malta and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta 

Richard Hill, President, Association for Proper Internet Governance
Avri Doria, Principal Researcher, Technicalities

14.00 ‒ 15.30 Funding, accountability and trust in Internet governance
Pete Cranston, co-director, Euforic Services, Oxford
Markus Kummer, Member of the Board of Directors, ICANN
Désirée Miloshevic, Senior Adviser of International Affairs and Public Policy, Afilias International
Jean-Marie Chenou, Lecturer, University of Lausanne





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